"People who get nostalgic about childhood were obviously never children."
-Bill Watterson, creator of Calvin and Hobbes

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Time Well Spent

Three Deeply Felt Learnings from my Master’s in Early Childhood Studies Program

1.       The issues that surround the field for children and families and just how much is needed.  I had no idea about this before starting this course.  I was unfamiliar with this field and had no clue.  It has been mind blowing and heart wrenching at the same time to understand the needs that should be filled. 

2.       The unbias work.  When we learned about microaggressions and unbias work I felt very humbled that there were people out there doing their best to stop bias behavior.  I always make it a point to show my daughter our differences made us unique and special but we are all ultimately the same.  I really enjoyed learning about microaggressions and how often they are used in our society.  I am concerned with how children are raised to single out or hate other groups, and was very touched by this work.

3.       Communication.  I learned so much from our communication class about verbal and non-verbal cues, assuming, and listening.  This class actually saved me from divorce!  I saw how we communicate in a whole new light and take that with me wherever I go.  I hope to continue to learn about communication and the different ways in which we do that now that technology has also become a huge way we communicate. 

A long term goal of mine is to help children and families in my new home of Quebec.  I have found out things about the family system there that make me feel worried but I am hopeful that I can fit in somewhere eventually and start to fulfill these dreams.  I have to start somewhere and I might as well make friends, learn the language, adapt to the culture and have fun with finding out more information so I can figure out a way to help. 

I want to thank my instructors and my colleagues immensely for being patient with me and guiding me through my course.  My instructors with Walden are the best I have ever had, and before Walden I went to a military school.  My colleagues have actually felt like family to me.  I have never had such comradely with classmates before, and their feedback and advice has been a blessing.  Thank you so much for giving me a chance to expand myself as a student, a mother, and as a successful member of the Early Childhood Field. 

This little life is the reason why I chose this field and why I live and breathe each day.


“Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them”

― Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry

“Children aren't coloring books. You don't get to fill them with your favorite colors.”

― Khaled Hosseini

“We may not be able to prepare the future for our children, but we can at least prepare our children for the future.”

― Franklin D. Roosevelt

“Accept the children the way we accept trees—with gratitude, because they are a blessing—but do not have expectations or desires. You don’t expect trees to change, you love them as they are.”

― Isabel Allende

“Look at children. Of course they may quarrel, but generally speaking they do not harbor ill feelings as much or as long as adults do. Most adults have the advantage of education over children, but what is the use of an education if they show a big smile while hiding negative feelings deep inside? Children dont usually act in such a manner. If they feel angry with someone, they express it, and then it is finished. They can still play with that person the following day.”

― Dalai Lama XIV

My email address is racergurl214@yahoo.com.  Email me at any time, I am never bothered and willing to help!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally

At least three international organizations or communities of practice that appealed to you:

Bioethics of UNESCO-

On UNESCO’s website there was a topic of bioethics discussions.  This topic caught my eye because it deals with the “Concerns about the social, cultural, legal and ethical implications of such progress have led to one of the most significant debates of the past century” (UNESCO, 2012).  Being that these issues are already pretty touchy topics here in the United States, I couldn’t imagine the debates that take place discussing these concerns globally.  However, with that said I was impressed and fascinated by the actual conversations that take place on these topics and would love to sit in on them.  I did not see any job availability but to take part in obtaining feedback and providing information from different countries sounds intriguing to me.  I would love to take part in these discussions professionally.  I believe that someone who takes part in these meetings would need to be open to new and different ideas, work together collaboratively, have excellent communication skills, and ask questions to fully understand ideas.

Voices of Youth for UNICEF-

UNICEF has a website dedicated to the youth who want to speak out on and about issues that are plaguing humankind every day (UNICEF, 2011).  I really liked that our youth were given voices, leading also to the present technological advancements, in order to get out what they feel, think, and see.  Some of the topics were in regards to human trafficking, young marriages, and suicide (UNICEF, 2011).  These topics are so huge that we forget that our growing citizens have opinions about them too, and are just as important to talk to about and listen to about them.  As far as working for UNICEF I would really like to be involved in these high crisis discussions with youth to find out what they think and feel.  I’d like to understand their perspectives and also provide them with more information.  This type of job I feel could be online as a mediator in a forum, or be provided through traveling for UNICEF to different schools.  To be qualified for this type of position one would need knowledge of technology and the internet, as well as be confident in public speaking.  I also feel that staying current on events and being willing to welcome and not justify new ideas. 

Volunteerism with Save the Children-

I made a change to this last one whereas instead of looking for employment I was looking only to help without payment in coins.  Volunteering with Save the Children through Global Service Trips can be managed globally and the possibilities of helping children and their families smile and have a great experience outweighs the sacrifices that are made in order to volunteer (Save the Children, 2012).  Honestly there are no skills that are needed to generally help someone but in this case I can say that having a degree in Early Childhood Studies wouldn’t hurt in advocating for the rights of equity, equality, health, overall wellness, education, and so forth.  Save the Children may not have the funds to help every child, but human kind has the availability of people willing to help and who can make a difference.


Save the Children. (2011). Global Service Trips. Retrieved from http://www.savethechildren.org/site/c.8rKLIXMGIpI4E/b.8059849/k.7E16/Global_Service_Trips.htm

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). (2011). Voices of Youth. Retrieved from http://voicesofyouth.org/sections/violence-war-and-conflict/pages/the-big-picture
United Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). (2012). Bioethics. Retrieved from http://www.unesco.org/new/en/social-and-human-sciences/themes/bioethics/

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: National/Federal Level

Three roles in which I would like/love to become a part of the national/federal organization mentioned: 

One of the very first organizations that I would love to work for or join would be CASA http://www.casaforchildren.org/site/c.mtJSJ7MPIsE/b.5301295/k.BE9A/Home.htm.  This stands for Court Appointed Special Advocates.  These advocates go into the legal system and become allies to children who have been through a negative situation and are waiting to find out what will become of their family situation.  This organization appeals to me because as a child I went through a rough divorce and no one ever came to comfort me or ask how I was doing.  I would love to be a trainer for this national organization and also be an advocate myself working with the children.  I believe to fulfill these roles I would need to be a good public speaker, hold my current degree and be a good collaborator.  I also feel that understanding the emotional and social needs of children helps in this position to understand and empathize with what the children are going through internally. 

Another national organization I would like to work for or join would be the National Military Family Association http://www.militaryfamily.org/get-info/support-children/.  This association helps military families through different advocacy routes and for every need.  One in particular is for the children, which is what I would want to be a part of.  Through the children division, children and families are provided resources to comfort them through a parent’s deployment, finding education and care at several military installations, and helping with changing cultures and demographics for the child.  Being former military I understand what parents go through when leaving a child, and I understand how moving and new schools affects children both positively and negatively.  I believe to gain this position one would need education in mental health and early childhood knowledge.  I also believe research skills and travel would be involved. 

One last organization that I would love to work for or join would be the Child Life Council as a Child Life Specialist http://www.childlife.org/.  These individuals work in hospitals and clinics and use play therapy to help children and their families deal with the stresses of seeing the doctor, surgeries, casts, and everything else associated with a visit or stay with the doctor.  This position has always appealed to me due to the advocacy for play and helping children with their emotional stressors.  There is lots of training and internships that go along with gaining a position like this as well as education.  One must also be patient, kind, and respect the privacy of the patients. 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Exploring Roles in the ECE Community

•Three job positions that I have noted

The possible job positions that I looked into were in the area in which I will soon be living in Quebec, Canada.  I found three organizations in which I would like to apply.  These three organizations appealed to me because of the opportunities to help and the ability and need for change that I saw in them.  The first was being a member of a school governing board; the second was a daycare educator within an elementary school, and the third was being a member of a board of directors with an association within a community. 

 •Job opportunities (currently available or not) that interest you

Being a member of the school governing board allowed me a chance to take part in what direction the schools were moving.  Also there is currently a large issue pertaining to whether government officials should still run the governing board or if it should be handed into the citizens of a particular cities hands.  These changes would prove for massive effects however, there would also need to be a community of practice in place for the members to learn from each other and listen to each other. 

The daycare educator position is within an elementary school and this position could be considered a preschool teacher and daycare instructor all in one.  The teacher would need to plan lessons and prepare an overall developing and encouraging atmosphere for the children, as well as visits which require outdoor activities, attending meetings, helping with homework, and training new employees.

Being a member on a board of directors for a fundamental association within the community means that I am able to put input into my views and also what I would like to see regarding the community.  The main aspect about this association is that it advocates for the minority of English language speakers in the community.  I see this as a huge opportunity for myself since my first language is English and I have already noticed the difficulty in gaining information online to plan for my family’s move, so I come with experience regarding the frustration of preparing myself.  I also would like to see the barriers of the two languages to diminish and focus more on living together and not so much on fighting for or demanding. 

 •Skills and experience that you would need to competently fulfill each of these roles

School governing board- I would need experience working with a school district to obtain this position however, if I am able to start as a minority within the community both because I am English speaking and I am a woman, I could gain hands on experience this way.  I also understand that the school board is divided between English and French speaking schools within their district.  The English speaking schools do not have the backing that they need in order to maintain their schools and keep up with new information and technology.  Since they are considered the minority their funding is not heavily participated on and taxes are not always paid directly to them since citizens have a choice of what schools get tax money.  I would need to have developed communication and collaboration skills in order work with other members and other organizations.  I would also need to be open-minded and be culturally competent and free from bias and stereotype.

Daycare educator- This position is mainly looking for education and competence in developing a successful plan for building on children’s development.  I would need to be energetic, free from bias and stereotype, also culturally competent, and prepare for language barriers that may occur.  I would need to understand the culture surrounding the school and watch for early intervention.  This would also be a good time to start developing the English language in those children whose parents wish for this to happen.

Board of Directors- This position would like someone whose first language is English and who has ideas on developing the association further, someone who is willing to make changes and not be afraid of those changes.  Also, someone who could help to stop the divide between cultures and instead bring them closer.  I believe confidence and communication are two large skills needed in this position as well as the ability for outreach and collaboration with other organizations within the community.  A good candidate would be able to persuade others to look at demographics as growth and development instead of intrusion. 

Performing this work really helped me in diving into the area in which I am currently in the process of moving to.  I have done research as much as possible but between school and other things I have not had the ability to actually sit and study the area as much as I would like and as much as is needed to prepare my family and to get set up there.  This assignment has allowed me the avenue of peering deeper into certain issues and developing a plan on making a change. 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

My Wordle

I made a Wordle... I'd never heard of it before having to do it for class.  It's an artwork that someone can make using words to describe anything, everything, feelings, etc.  I made one describing how young children have inspired me and how I can inspire them.  Enjoy!


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Profile of a Volunteer

I wanted to shine some light on a wonderful lady I know.  I'd rather leave her anonymous because the work she performs is in anonymity through several organizations.  She is someone I met long ago through mutual work.  At that time I had no idea she was involved in so many endeavors to help others.  When I realized her passions and how busy her schedule was I could not believe that aside from her full time position (of already helping others) she was dashing to and from meetings with other organizations and volunteering whenever she received the chance to. 

Her volunteer efforts were many, but I can tell you that she fought fearlessly for those who could fight for themselves, especially children and the elderly.  I remember her lunch breaks would be spent working on grants and researching factual information for speeches.  She was able to excuse herself early and come in late to her full time position due to her wonderful advocacy work.  This was helpful in her ventures to advocate, which she often reminded me of. 

I have read the letters and seen her image in the paper in regards to a couple of advocacy works she has done.  However, she always has wanted to remain in the backdrop.  She would tell me that an advocate never makes themselves more noticeable than the people they are advocating for.  It really hits home now and it really makes sense.  I would ask her when she would be done and retire.  She would answer back, when children can go to bed at night without being scared and when our elderly can feel like they did back in the 50’s (referring to leaving doors unlocked and feeling safe).  Sadly, this may never be a truth but we can continue to help just that one more child out there to feel safe and to make it a better tomorrow.    

I took away from this brave, strong, faithful woman, that fighting for someone else makes changes that can continue to ripple.  I took away that my presence on this Earth was not merely to be, but to be here in the now and reach out to someone.  I saw her toil and I felt her anger when things were not up to par in her book.  She did not just sit there and be angry; instead she decided to take those extra steps to make a better and brighter day for children, their families, and the elderly.  She is someone I can think about and look up to.  She is an advocate. 

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Using Social Media to Get Connected

My experience with social media has not always been thought of as positive.  In a previous position I held I had many co-workers who I deemed as friends stab me in the back only to watch me spiral down due to rumors.  After that I made it a point to trust no one and I haven’t been able to really let anyone in without suspicion of their intentions.  With the blog writing and Twitter, MySpace, and Facebook, I wonder how these people can be so open with their thoughts and feelings and not get hurt.  Even writing this EC blog for school makes me nervous at times. 
So to carry on with the assignment, social media makes me think of vulnerability.  Although in modern cases I should really be focusing on the many endless people who are able to join in and gain information because of it.  Because of social media, more things are known to more people.  If wanting to research a company before taking part in their services, customers can see reviews from other customers, read about past jobs, maybe gain a price list, and get an overall feel for the company by the layout of their webpage.  Talk about first impressions, they no longer have to occur in person. 

I was looking for a community service organization by my home so my daughter and I could get involved, and we found a local place that I was able to look up and research.  Although the building looked a little scary the website was very bright and informative.  There were links that took me to videos, conferences, ways to help, and to photos of past events.  I thought it was great and really changed my perspective and knowledge of the “lonely” building I had seen. 

I think the best social media tools are webpages that anyone can access.  I want to make the access a point because there is no logging in to see them.  Only because for people like me who don’t watch cable, or maybe also for those who aren’t glued to the radio all day to hear commercials that way, the Internet at least provides a place to research and gain information.  I would say though that I have seen billboards that have gotten my attention that have prompted me to look up what I read.  But since I don’t partake in social media sites like Twitter, the information that is there isn’t gained by me.  However, blogs are always a big hit, if you can figure out how to use them J.    

I know that major search engine sites like Yahoo! and Google are a first go to for me.  Through Yahoo! and MSN news stories are what people see first.  These news stories lead from reading to information to wanting to know more.  I think with trying to advocate there is a good chance that calling the news media or a site like Yahoo! and pleading for your story to be listed has one great chance of getting noticed. 

Colleagues, what do you think about blogs and webpages versus television and radio?  Also, does anyone know how to find different blogs by searching for something in a category like- cooking??